Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bali - Nusa Dua

I left Legian and went to Nusa Dua for the Tony Robbins Date with Destiny event. After living in The Island hostel and making great friends I wasn't so keen to go to a resort and have to make all new friends, but that was the schedule. The Melia Resort on Nusa Dua was comfy and beautiful as I expected. I was welcomed by a couple of traditionally-dressed Balinese girls dancing to music played by a few men.

The prices were like back home. A bit different than paying $1 for lunch. I checked into the hotel room and wondered when my roommate whom I had only spoken with on the phone was going to arrive. The resort was right on the beach and is connected to all the other resorts by a walking path. It would be a fantastic place to relax with a girlfriend - there are massage huts, elaborate pools, and waiters around for your every whim.

My roommate, Edwin, got in late and I met him in the morning. We went for a swim in the morning since we were both jet-lagged, and I snapped a couple shots of paradise. The water was warm and clear like in Legian, but there were very few waves due to a reef a few hundred meters off-shore. We had the buffet breakfast and walked to the Westin to attend the event.

The event was fantastic and I met a number of amazing people. My partner at the event was Brett from Hong Kong. Amazing dude - great perspective, valuable advice, and huge heart. Other aspects I remember fondly about the event is that the days were long, the information was enlightening, and the room was really cold (as usual). The last night of the event a number of us decided to go out and party - which turned into us staying up to see the sunrise. We all laid down in a few big beach huts/couches and waited for the sun to come up. I was completely exhausted so I ended up falling asleep before sunrise and woke up right as it was coming up. All I remember is that it was beautiful...and then sleeping.

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