Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Californication Day 2

I wake up to the Cali sun streaming through the window and smile - I love being awoken by the sun. I wish that happened more in Amsterdam. Ruben and I enjoyed breakfast and weave through various topics of conversation. After seeing him off to work I clean up and get in the car to drive to Santa Barbara. The day was clear and I could see why people love living up here - the hills are stunning.

Driving up the PCH was even more visually appealing. I understand how residents in SoCal don't mind being in the car for hours...the time flew by as I soaked up the contrast between the beautiful waves and the winding roads through the hills. Surfers enjoyed breaks, local farmers sold produce on the side of the road, and the sun shone. I stopped to buy some avocados (love them) but didn't have any cash, so the farmer gave me a small ripe one to try, bonus.

I arrive in at Mander's house in Santa Barbara (thanks iPhone google maps) and we chill out a bit to catch up, I get to pet Lucy the golden retriever, and then we headed out to The Boathouse - a restaurant between the cliffs and the beach. The view was stunning and we enjoyed some delicious wine and a healthy lunch. I learn how SB has so much to offer (wine tasting, paragliding, surfing, etc) - I'm looking forward to my time here in September. We grab a couple of sunset shots at the beach before we make a quick decision to get to the top of the cliff to catch the rest of it.

Manders takes us to 'Wilcox' aka 'The Douglas Family Preserve'. The view was s-t-u-n-n-i-n-g. I felt a deep connection with SB and SoCal at this point - and wish I knew how to surf. The evening made for a nice silhouette shot as well.

To put a cheery on top, a mountain biker rides by and points out where there are migrating whales. We look closely and see two or three spouts! I haven't seen whales in person so I was stoked. Dinner and drinks at the end of the evening wrapped up a fantastic day.

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